About Us

Located on the Golf Links Road just outside Ardee town, Ardee Car Parts is one of the leading car and light commercial dismantlers in the North East. The company supplies a huge range of high quality recycled parts and new parts on a nationwide basis and is also a fully licensed End of Life Vehicle Treatment facility.
Established for over 30 years and under its present management since 1999 the company has a reputation for first class customer service and has an expert team that can quickly identify and satisfy just about any parts requirements.
With over 800 vehicles onsite for dismantling at all times and a huge selection of recycled and fully catalogued parts in stock, Ardee Car Parts can offer a comprehensive selection of quality recycled parts for all popular car and light commercial makes and models from European and Japanese/Korean manufacturers. We can also supply new a selection of new aftermarket parts to order or from stock. This means that from headlamps to suspension units and engines to wing mirrors we can always meet parts demand quickly and at the right price. We also offer a nationwide overnight delivery service and can deliver to the UK and Europe on request.
New vehicles for dismantling arrive on a daily basis and we also buy and sell damaged repairables at very good rates. Our expert team can also offer a vehicle recovery service and a collection service for scrap vehicles.
Vehicles are safely dismantled and de-polluted in line with environmental regulations and the facility is fully licensed as an End of Life vehicle centre. Waste Permit No. WFP LH 10-0008-02.
For more information call Ardee Car Parts on 041 685 6428.